Pricing + Services


Acupuncture Initial Treatment $150

The initial treatment session lasts up to an hour and a 1/2 and includes going over your health history, in addition to acupuncture and any adjunct therapies

Acupuncture Treatment $120

Sessions are 1 hour and include acupuncture and other adjunct therapies as deemed appropriate: cupping, gua sha, moxibustion, massage, herbal consultation, and nutrition and lifestyle advice if desired.

Telehealth and Herbal Consults $60

Sessions are 1/2 hour. In-person sessions include hara abdominal diagnosis and nutrition/lifestyle advice if desired. Telehealth consults consist of tongue diagnosis and herbal prescription as well as nutrition/lifestyle advice as necessary. I will prescribe a custom blend through Kamwo Herbal Pharmacy or other herbal pharmacies as appropriate, that can be picked up (or delivered) and paid for separately.

Pediatric Follow-up Session $60

For children, because needles do not need to be retained for as long, if at all, sessions are quicker and can include non-needle modalities such as laser, tui-na massage, moxa, etc.